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Denver mayoral candidate Jamie Giellis talks about final push before runoff election
Decision Denver: Jamie Giellis vs. Michael Hancock full debate
Jamie Giellis Talks Policy, Impact Of Mayoral Race
Denver mayor candidate Jamie Giellis comments on racial gaffes, deleting social media accounts
Denver election results: Michael Hancock elected to third term, 'Let Denver Vote' passes
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock Gets Support Of Past Mayors
Denver Decides 2019 _ Candidate Runoff Forum: Mayor
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock Talks About Changing City
Unity Committee of Giellis, Tate and Calderon hope to unseat Hancock in Denver Mayor's race
Denver Re-Elects Michael Hancock To Third, Final Term
9NEWS Presents the Race for Denver mayor: Runoff debate
Denver Decides 2019 _ Candidate Runoff Forum: Council District 3